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PEFE, Lda – Engineering, Projects, Executions and Inspections of Electricity, Lda. Is a company founded in 1992 with the main objectives being the realization of specialty projects, inspection of works and elaboration of technical certifications.

PEFE relies on a team of specialists in the various areas of electricity, telecommunications, mechanics and safety, guaranteeing our customers a solid, dynamic response and an effective follow-up with official entities.


Engineering projects

Through our strong partnerships with colleagues in other engineering areas, we can provide our customers with turn-key solutions that include other than referenced specialties.

The elaboration of an engineering project has as its primary objective the design of an infrastructure based on the optimization of resources, compliance with technical regulations, legislation and always for its true purpose, to contribute to the best final result and Achieve the objectives set by its applicant.

Pefe, Lda is dedicated to the elaboration of engineering projects for licensing and execution in the following areas:

  • Electricity;
  • Telecommunications
  • Fire safety in buildings;
  • Thermal behavior;
  • Acoustic Behavior;
  • Gas Networks;
  • Air conditioning and ventilation.
Energy Certifications

Beyond the obligation to have the energy certificate, whether for purchase, sale, lease, local accommodation or city licensing, the real meaning of this document is to allow the measurement of the energy performance of residential and commercial units. This information allows the users of the fractions to check the level of costs necessary to keep the fraction conformable in the different seasons of the year.

Since 2009, Pefe, Lda has been engaged in the elaboration of energy certificates in the residential and commercial market, and we are mainly requested for the following effects:

  • Obtaining a use license;
  • Buy/Sell;
  • Rent;
  • Short term Rental- Guest accommodation.
Acoustic Reviews

In order to limit noise pollution, by means of publication of specific legislation, acoustic performance parameters of the buildings have been established, and this same legislation establishes acoustic assessment procedures for new buildings as well as for existing buildings that are subject to remodeling , Extension or alteration.

ITED & ITUR Essays

Since 2003, when PEFE has become a certification body by ANACOM, for the certification of telecommunications installations, we have been following up on all the changes that have been introduced in this sector, always with the In order to continue to guarantee installers and owners an effective and solid follow-up during all phases of ITED and ITUR infrastructure implementation. Being that in most cases this monitoring starts with the mark on the job and culminates with the accomplishment of tests, elaboration of report of tests of functionalities and aid in the issuance of term of responsibility.

Inspection | Construction Management

The supervision / management of work is increasingly an essential activity, both in the public sector and in the private sector. Through the contracting of these services the Owner of Work is contributing to the fulfillment of the established in draft, specifications and respective plan of works. With the prior preparation of work and a constant and efficient follow-up of the work to be carried out by the contractor, it is possible to guarantee a strict cost control, avoiding the existence of overwork in the work and consequent budgetary and temporal slippage.

The actions carried out in the framework of the provision of supervision services are as follows:

  • Coordination of construction meetings;
  • Preparation of minute meetings;
  • Control of planning and execution of work;
  • Control of quantities and costs;
  • Control of the supply and assembly of equipment;
  • Photographic records;
  • Preparation of monthly reports;
  • Collaboration in the preparation of measurement records;
Smart Houses

The state-of-the-art technology has its greatest exponent in the automation that can be implemented in a residence, usually identified as home automation. The integration of the various services allows to guarantee high levels of comfort to the resident, from which they stand out:

  • Lighting Control;
  • Control of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • Control of electric blinds and curtains;
  • Control of sound system and television;
  • Alarm system control;
  • Control of video surveillance;
  • Control of irrigation systems;
  • Control of communication systems;
  • Energy Efficiency;
Technical responsability

In Annex V of Decree-Law no. 517/80, of 31 October, as amended by Decree-Law no. 101/2007, of 02 April, defines the electrical installations that need Technical Responsible for the Exploitation of electrical installations, from which stand out:

  • Installations with generator (type A) of installed power exceeding 50 kVA.
  • Facilities with Client Transformation Station (type B).
  • Facilities of establishments, hospitals, teaching, culture, worship, commercial and similar, all of the 1st group.
  • Installations of industrial establishments Type C with a power output exceeding 200 kVA.
  • Campground and Dock installations (docks).
  • Construction site installations, of an installed capacity exceeding 10 kVA.

The set of facilities of which we have the technical responsibility for its operation has allowed us to acquire experience in several areas which has proved to be a greater value for our activity, for the installations and for the owner of the installations.

Type of installations in technical responsibility for the operation of electrical installations:

  • Hotels;
  • Schools;
  • Private Residences;
  • Ice Cream Factory;
  • Office Supplies;
  • Public Swimming Pools;
  • Poultry farming;
  • Wastewater Treatment Stations;
  • Hypermarket;
  • Agricultural Warehouse – Industrial Unit of Horticulture;
  • Sports Venues;
  • Public libraries;
  • Public buildings;
  • Camping Sites.
Local accommodation

In the scope of the legalization of fractions for Local Accommodation, PEFE provides the following services:

  • Tests and issue of responsibility of Local Accommodation for Electrical Installations.
  • Tests and issue of responsibility of Local Accommodation for Thermoacumulator.
  • Testing and issue of local accommodation responsibility term for the Gas installation.
  • Supply and installation of safety equipment: Fire extinguisher, Fire blanket, Pharmacy, signage.
  • Legal process of the process, with delivery of documentation in the municipality and participation in the survey.

The thermography to electrical installations consists of the use of specific equipment with infrared emission to find hot spots caused by defects in connections and / or components (increase of resistance).

In electrical installations, thermography is currently the best diagnostic tool to detect failures caused by anomalies in certain components and points of the installation at an early stage, before there is an interruption in the operation of the installations, deterioration of the installations and equipment.

The thermographic allow the following checks:

  • Detection of bad contacts / grips;
  • Detection of overloads on cables and conductors;
  • Detection of phase and harmonic imbalances;
  • Problems in electrical equipment.